Research Interests

Research Connecting to Megatrends
On an abstract level, my research must connect to mega trends - a perspective that I have adopted from Professor Stefano Puntoni of the Rotterdam Business School. In my work this is reflected in that I look at sustainability and technology, which are currently two large influences on how operations management and marketing evolve in research and practice. I have therefore published on topics such as closed-loop supply chains, business models enabled by the Internet-of-Things, or the sharing economy. Tying these topics together are Servitisation and service business models - one of the major developments of marketing that has spilled over into operations management research. Apart from this, I am also happy to collaborate with other researchers to publish on other topics, as is evident on my resume, for example on healthcare operations, project management or teaching.
Current Projects
I am working on several different projects right now, mainly using qualitative methods and associated to the research areas mentioned previously. Also, I am working on a quantitative paper on learning styles and game-based teaching methods. Should you be interested in collaborating on research, in particular related to my skills mentioned below, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Research Skills
Concerning quantitative skills, I have experience with different designs based on modelling, regression and experiments. The software I have used includes SPSS to do regressions, t-tests, ANOVA, MANOVA, exploratory factor analysis and factor reduction, Hayes' PROCESS plugins to do moderated mediation, etc. Furthermore, I used AMOS to do confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modelling with latent factors and composite factors, moderators via multiple group analysis or via simple moderators, as well all associated procedures. Associated to these, I also have knowledge of constructing complex surveys and experimental designs on Qualtrics software.
Looking at qualitative skills, I have significant training in case study methods, including process-tracing, ethnographic case studies, and the embedded unit of analysis case study designs commonly used in operations management. Case study methods are a speciality of Warwick and the UK in general when it comes to management, and I have benefitted from an environment that values case-based research, including workshops in the Warwick Business School led by Professor Chris Voss. Furthermore, I have extensive experience and training in systematic literature reviews, including attendeding a workshop organised by Dr Colin Pilbeam of Cranfield University.

Research Method Workshops
Beyond the longer training seminars and courses I describe below, I also attended various shorter workshops throughout the UK and Europe. These include a doctoral seminar as part of the EurOMA conference in 06/2018 during which doctoral research was discussed by students and professors, software training in SPSS, AMOS and NVivo, research philosophy and logic training workshops in the London School of Economics, case study training in the Warwick Business School and Saïd Business School in the University of Oxford.
Postgraduate Certificate in Social Science Research
As part of my scholarship during my doctoral studies, I also completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Social Science Research organised by the Learning and Development Centre in the University of Warwick from 10/2016 - 10/2017. Its modules were taught to doctoral students from across Warwick's departments, with modules focusing on different research methods, ethics, philosophies, etc. The modules were assessed through exams and assignments.
European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management
The European Institute for Advances Studies in Management (EIASM) is an international research and teaching network headquartered in Brussels, Belgium. I was funded to attend two research methodology seminars, taught by a number of professors from leading business schools throughout Europe. Each seminar lasts for five days and includes discussions and presentations with the participants (about 20 per seminar at a cost of about £1,000 per participant) and is scheduled as part of EAISM's doctoral education network (EDEN). I attended one seminar in 02/2017 on research methodologies in Operations Management, and another in 11/2017 on research methods in Consumer Research. Both seminars were highly informative and I can recommend them whole-heartedly - they aided me tremendously in refining my methodological knowledge.